How to Improve Communication in Your Call Center


In a business like a call center that’s all about communicating, you would expect your own internal communication to be top notch. But that’s not always the case. There can be a tendency to set up metrics, measure them and communicate mainly around reaching or not reaching those objectives. But your call center reps are… Read more »

Observations on the March 2017 Employment Situation


  On Friday April 7th, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”) released its monthly summary of labor market activity covering March 2017. The consensus expectation called for a return to trend growth of around 180,000 compared to the most recent months which had registered a much stronger average of 235,000 net new jobs.   The official report… Read more »

Employment Commentary for March 2017


  By Steven R. Drexel, President and CEO of Cornerstone Staffing Solutions, Inc. As an Economist and seasoned staffing industry professional, I’m regularly asked to participate in several monthly surveys and discussions that predict key elements of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (“BLS”) press releases describing The Employment Situation.  The next release revealing March’s statistics… Read more »

Working in a Call Center? Use These Tips to Boost Your Productivity!


  When it comes to being more productive, you’ve likely seen many of the same suggestions: Stop continuously checking email, use do-to lists and get a full night’s sleep. While those ideas can cause a positive change, they’re repeated so often they now go in one ear and out the other. Here are a few… Read more »

How to Cut Time (and Cost!) from Your Hiring Process


Every company, despite its size, has to be very productive and organized. Human resources is one department that many companies count on further those goals of high efficiency and high productivity. HR is accountable for growing the company by hiring good people and putting successful practices into place for the well-being of all its employees…. Read more »

Observations on the February 2017 Employment Situation


  By Steven R. Drexel, President and CEO of Cornerstone Staffing Solutions, Inc. Summary On Friday March 10th, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”) released its monthly summary of labor market activity covering February 2017. The consensus expectation called for a second consecutive month of strong growth compared to recent months which had averaged 185,000… Read more »

Ready for Your Baby Boomers to Retire?


  A massive demographic shift in the workforce is happening as you read this, and most businesses are unprepared for it. The imminent retirements of baby boomers en masse will leave many companies struggling to locate talent with the abilities and know-how to replace what is being lost. For quite a few industries, this problem… Read more »

Employment Commentary for February 2017


  By Steven R. Drexel, President and CEO of Cornerstone Staffing Solutions, Inc. As an Economist and seasoned staffing industry professional, I’m regularly asked to participate in several monthly surveys and discussions that predict key elements of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (“BLS”) press releases describing The Employment Situation.  The next release revealing January’s statistics… Read more »

How to Overcome the Biggest Sales Interview Fear


  According to an informal poll recently conducted by The Muse website, the biggest fear people have in an interview is coming up blank when trying to respond to an interview question. With standard interview prep calling for candidates to come up with answers to many questions, it’s understandable and likely that you are going… Read more »