Training Request

To request training for any newly hired employee send the below information no less than 3 business days prior to their official start date. All scheduled training courses will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. A member from the Information Technology team will conduct their orientation prior to the start of training to ensure equipment is ready to go.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Check the circle below next to the training desired:*
All staff will have to complete the “Know Be 4” and any state needed Sexual Harassment Training as specified by our HR Director. Each employee will also be provided with instruction on their internal time entry.
Check the circle below next to the following Departments that you would like your new hire to have a scheduled meet & greet with*:*
*Mike Mitchell, Cornerstone CEO, will plan to join all new hire orientations as he is able
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.