Smartphones are a part of everyday life, both on the personal and professional side of life.
While there are people who stay away from these new technologies, many business leaders and early adopters leverage new tech solutions that enhance their productivity and make their workplace safer.
If you’re a fan of mobile tech and want to know more about the kinds of safety apps that are currently available, consider the following options.
Hazmat Emergency Response Guide
This app is essentially the digital version of the Department of Transportation’s Emergency Response Guide. The app allows users to rapidly locate information on chemicals and workplace materials through a search function. Users can perform keyword or term searches and get results right away, instead having to flip through binders of information. This speed alone could save lives at your facility.
For many people, on-the-job hazards are weather dependent, and the DarkSky app goes beyond the standard weather app that came bundled with your smartphone. DarkSky allows users to get an hour-by-hour forecast for the immediate area. Those working in construction, transportation or landscaping should count this app among their essential tech tools.
Unfortunately, part of a safety professional’s job is filling out forms and getting signatures. DocuSign eliminates the need to lug around stacks of papers by allowing people to sign off on preloaded documents with the stroke of a finger. Getting digital signatures also means no need to scan signed paper documents.
OSHA Safety Regulations, Checklists, Audit Reports
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency tasked with enforcing job-related health and safety guidelines in the United States. While OSHA can’t just close down your job site, they can fine your business for workplace safety violations. This official OSHA app, for iPhone only, was made to facilitate quick reviews of OSHA safety guidelines, generate safety checklists, and write up reports that can include photos and comments for future reference.
The app covers OSHA guidelines for manufacturing, service industries, supply chain, construction and medical fields. It functions as a fantastic reference tool for avoiding common violations, including OSHA’s Top 10 Citations.
Job Safety Evaluation
A job safety analysis (JSA) is a process that facilitates the integration of health and safety principles into a job or particular job duty. When filling out a JSA, each basic step of the position is detailed to identify likely hazards and advise the safest approach to do the job or task.
This free Job Safety Analysis app may be used on-site to generate a custom-made JSA which you can deliver electronically to your workers on that location. The app also has prefilled choices to save time, as well as the ability to include photos of the potential hazards that are present.
Safety first!
At Cornerstone, we fully support all the safety initiatives of our clients and work hand in glove with them to uphold strict safety standards. If your company is currently looking for a talent acquisition partner, please contact us today.

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