Everyone knows that light industrial employees are looking for a competitive salary, but pay isn’t the only thing that these workers need to be satisfied with their job situation. In fact, many employees value meaning in their work, the company’s reputation and overall company culture.
Businesses that want low employee turnover and high levels of engagement should learn about what motivates their employees. Below are just a few things that today’s light industrial employees are looking for in an ideal job.
You want to attract and keep honest employees, and do to so, you have to be upfront about what the job is all about. Don’t sell only the positive facets of the position to candidates and expect them to hang in there when the position doesn’t match the rosy picture you’ve painted. For instance, light industrial jobs can be physically challenging and downplaying the physical demands of a position during the interview process is disingenuous and off-putting.
Cultural Fit
A company’s brand as an employer and company culture are often major factors when it comes to a potential candidate’s decision to apply to an open position or accept a job offer. From an employer’s point of view, this means it is essential to know what type of candidates it should be seeking. This means not just looking for the proper skillset and experience. The hiring manager at your business should want applicants with personalities and values that fits well into the existing culture.
Even when they are already employed by a company, staff members their employer to maintain goals and values that line up with their values and beliefs. Furthermore, employees want to apply their abilities to help companies reach goals in which they can take pride. Workers tend to be highly dedicated when they feel like their contributions do more than support the bottom line.
Good Benefits
If you’re going to be honest about open positions to prospective employees, you’ve got to have a lot of positives to sell. This means you have to offer a competitive benefits package. With sites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor, it’s very easy for today’s professionals to get a sense of what they’re worth and what they should have in terms of benefits.
Advancement Opportunities
Most employees want chances to advance their skillset and their position within the company. Advancement opportunities include the chance to work on challenging, important projects that help employees learn and grow. Companies looking to hire and keep industrial workers should also support regular formal training opportunities that help them gain useful skills. Businesses that support employee development are very attractive to most employees, particularly those interested in having as much career success as possible.
Let Us Help You Fit Best-Fit Talent for Your Organization
At Cornerstone, we often help light industry companies find the talent they need for their operations. If your company is currently looking to hire light industrial workers, please contact us today.
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