When it comes to being more productive, you’ve likely seen many of the same suggestions: Stop continuously checking email, use do-to lists and get a full night’s sleep.
While those ideas can cause a positive change, they’re repeated so often they now go in one ear and out the other. Here are a few memorable next-level ways you can boost your call center productivity even further.
Keep It Simple
If you’re really interested in boosting your productivity, you’ve probably downloaded all kinds of apps and tools to maximize your time and make you a multitasking wizard. While some of these apps can really boost your productivity, apps with a difficult interface or ones that aren’t great at what they promise to do aren’t really worth your time (and money).
Make sure that you’re using the one or two productivity apps that perform as promised and truly do make you a better call center worker.
Create a Task Inventory
Before you go about trying to improve your productivity with a series of random tips and hacks, you need to figure out just where there are opportunities for improvement. Figuring that out starts with creating an inventory of daily and weekly tasks that lays out each item and the average time it takes to complete it.
Then you should determine where you can realistically shave time off each task. Perhaps there are certain tasks you could do all at once. Or, maybe there’s a task you could automate. Just being aware of your opportunities can make a massive difference in your daily and weekly efficiencies.
Track Your Attempts at Boosting Productivity
Frequently, we adopt various hacks and tips to raise our effectiveness without seeing what’s working, what’s not having much effect and what’s actually making us less productive than we were before.
It’s crucial that you take a moment to figure out your productivity successes and failures. First, figure out the average time it takes you to complete the task(s) without the productivity hack or app. Then, use the tip or app for a few days and get an average time spent on the same task(s). This simple experiment will show you if a particular productivity solution is worth adopting long term.
Bring Back Lunch Hour
More than half of American employees take 30 minutes or less to eat their lunch. While that might seem like it would lead to a more productive workday, research studies have revealed that putting more breaks during the workday can, in fact, have a positive influence on productivity.
Make sure you are giving yourself sufficient time to eat healthy foods. If you have the option to take an hour lunch, take it regularly and you will probably be surprised at how much more productive you are on those days.
At Cornerstone Staffing Solutions, we work with both our contract workers and our client companies to maximize individual and organizational productivity. If you’re looking for assistance in finding a new call center opportunity, please contact us today.
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