Job seekers often try to gain insight into a company through its social media presence. Social media is a wonderful insight into a company’s culture and compliments a firm’s website and other traditional marketing.
“Job seekers should see if the message on their website matches the interaction on their LinkedIn page,” suggests Nicole Supple, a new Cornerstone account executive who used social media when researching new employment opportunities.
“These were both great tools for me in my job search and confirmed for me that Cornerstone is the real deal!”, she adds.
“Reflected in my research was the fact that Cornerstone was outward focused,” she says. “The numerous organization’s Cornerstone has partnered with makes it evident that this company is dedicated and focused on helping support their local communities.”
“As I researched the numerous staffing companies in Michigan, Cornerstone Staffing Solutions always seemed to float to the top of my list,” Supple says. “I was especially impressed with their leadership team, all highly regarded industry experts.
“A company’s success starts at the top and creates the foundation that the business is built on. Testimonials included on their website supported this fact, that Cornerstone truly was a professional and knowledgeable company. I was intrigued and could picture myself on the Cornerstone team, excited to contribute toward the success of a solid company.”
Clearly, social media worked in this instance, allowing our company to connect to and hire a very talented professional. If your company is looking to leverage social platforms to source top talent, consider the following tips:
Interaction is key
– Many companies make the mistake of using social media as a platform for broadcasting information. If you want to find good job candidates, you have to put the ‘social’ back in social media.
Promote your culture/brand
– Social media is a great platform for showing off what a vibrant and successful company you are. Posts should feel natural and in sync with the brand your organization is trying to project.
Empower your staff
– Encourage your employees to contribute content to the company’s social profiles and interact with the company profile using their personal profiles. Doing this can humanize your company and it allows workers to become brand ambassadors.
At Cornerstone, we understand the challenges and initiatives of our clients because we face many of the same issues and want to achieve many of the same goals. If your company is currently in need of a staffing partner, please contact us today.
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