Get Your Michigan Workplace More Organized This Spring


Spring cleaning shouldn’t be just clearing the junk out of your closets and donating old clothes. An annual spring cleaning should also be applied to the workplace. Regardless of whether your company is seasonal in nature, getting more organized in springtime is always a good idea. It can boost productivity and morale by lowering the… Read more »

The Key to Reducing Slips and Falls in Your Warehouse


Warehouse work can be very fulfilling, but it’s not without accidents, the most common being slips and falls. Simply put, slips and falls occur when traction is lost between the foot and walking surface. A fall can also occur as a result of contact between a person and a fixed or moving object. Most of… Read more »

How Much Does Employee Turnover Really Cost Your Business?


Most companies realize their long-term competitiveness is based in their people, but not enough businesses think critically about how to decrease employee turnover. We’ve all experienced the pain of a great worker leaving, the cultural challenge connected with the departure of a favorite co-worker, or even just the uncomfortable gap that is left behind by… Read more »

Make Sure You Have These 3 Things in Your Rejection Letters to Candidates


The way your company interacts with job applicants is important, even applicants that don’t end up getting hired at the end of an application process. Sending a rejection letter to job seekers who were not chosen for the position is an extra, yet constructive step your business can take to create goodwill with applicants and… Read more »